Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Churro Shooters

The past: Tequila Cream. The first time I tried it, it was on our 5 year anniversary trip to Cancun and we had it with a gorgeous and amazing fresh made creme brulee at La Paloma Bonita. "The perfect dessert drink", the bartender called it. And it was. It was late, we were alone at the bar, the lights were dimmed, we shared the smoothest tequila that ever slid down my throat... I never had it again, but I also never forgot it...

The Present: Not as romantic this time around, but we have a Cinco de Mayo fiesta going on this weekend at a friend's house. Of course we have to have some spirits, but I am a little weary of the same ol' same ol': Margaritas, Daiquiris, Pina Coladas... I want something different this time, and Cream Tequila is the only thing that won't get out of my mind. I have searched high and low for a tequila cream and it appears to be available to purchase everywhere but Sweet Home Alabama.

Instead of buying the Tequila Cream online and getting a sort of expensive bottle of 1921 Tequila Cream, I decided to give it a go at making my own. After all, you CAN make your own Bailey's at home, why not tequila cream? Tequila cream is described as "the soft taste of cream with authentic Tequila and a touch of coffee". I remembered seeing a Tequila Rose recipe somewhere that had a base of sweetened condensed milk so I had a start. Cream would be the next obvious ingredient, it needed a touch of Mexican vanilla, Tequila (well, duh) and a cup of brewed coffee. Enter the blender, and magic was made.

With Cinco de Mayo coming up though, I needed another little twist, something to make the drink fun. The next thing I could think of - CHURROS! They are super delicious and so fun to eat. I have never made any from scratch, so I had to turn to Allrecipes. I will post the recipe and also post a link to it below. I made small ones to garnish the shooters. I hope you enjoy these as much as I did!

What you will need:

For the Tequila Cream:
1 14 oz can of sweetened condensed milk (I used Eagle brand)
3/4 cup cream (half and half should be a fine substitution)
1/2 cup of brewed coffee, cold
1/2 cup tequila
1 1/2 teaspoons Mexican vanilla

Pour measured ingredients into the blender and blend until thoroughly mixed. Pour into a container and refrigerate overnight for best results. Serve as shots, garnish glass with a little bit of honey around the rim and a blend of cinnamon sugar if desired.

For the churros:
(Recipe by Delia on Allrecipes)
1 cup of water
2 1/2 tablespoons of granulated sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons of vegetable oil
1 cup of All-Purpose flour
2 quarts of oil for frying
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

In a small saucepan over medium heat, combine water, 2 1/2 tablespoons of sugar, salt, and 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil. Bring to a boil and remove from heat. Stir in flour until mixture forms a ball.

Heat oil for frying in deep-fryer or deep skillet to 375 degrees (190 degrees C). Pipe strips of dough into hot oil using a pastry bag with a small hole snipped at the end. Fry until golden and drain on paper towels.

Combine 1/2 cup sugar and cinnamon. roll drained churros in the sugar and cinnamon mixture.

Garnish your Churro Shooter and enjoy!

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