Friday, June 20, 2014

Frozen Cakes

Well, I thought I was the LAST person on earth that had not watched this "Frozen" movie everyone spoke of. I have a little boy, age 3, and I didn't figure he would be totally interested. Boy, was I WRONG! We went out of town last week and my husband purchased and loaded the movie onto his tablet. We had Baby Baking Up Yum start watching it in the car. 20 minutes in, I was loving listening to the dialogue, but my little boy was also passed out asleep. It DID keep him quiet those whole 20 minutes though! At the condo, it was put on the TV and I have to say, I fell in love... Having made two Frozen cakes before watching the movie, I had no idea what a treat I was in for! I made an Olaf for one of those cakes and I fell in love with the little guy before I even saw the movie. Needless to say, I was smitten after I saw it. Yes, I am crazy, I fell in love with a cartoon snowman! We ended up watching it about 4 times total, but I haven't seen it in full. Guess I'll be watching it again this weekend! Anyhow, here are some pictures of these latest projects of mine (PLEASE forgive the fuzzy cell phone pics, I did not have my regular camera handy on me - I was so sad!):

The toppers were added after I dropped off the cake for this one. The entire cake was chocolate with butter cream and fondant accents, the toppers were regular cake toppers. You can't see this too well, but the snowflakes were pearly. You can see that a little bit on the #4 in the background.

Here's a before picture of the above cake: 

Next is the cake where I had to make Olaf, this was a blue velvet cake with cream cheese butter cream and fondant accents as well. I used the tutorial on Cake Central to make Olaf.

Again, you can't see it too well, but I had opalescent disco dust on the snow and the accents were pearly. Pictured below is the smash cake:

Thank you so much for looking! I may start posting more cakes soon, they all usually go on my FaceBook page and not enough on the blog.


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