Sunday, July 14, 2013

Sweet Pepper Poppers!

Crunchy, creamy, and packed with flavor, these Sweet Pepper Poppers are perfect for your summertime menu. Even better, they are SO super easy to make! Perfect baked or grilled, you'll want to make these again and again! They only require 3 ingredients, though sometimes I do like to wrap these with turkey bacon when I bake them on a cookie sheet. For this recipe, I didn't use bacon.

What you need:
1 pound of mild (or spicy) sausage
About 30 Pero's Sweet Peppers (you may have a different brand in your area, just get what you have on hand!)
1 brick of Philadelphia Cream Cheese, softened

Brown your sausage and make sure you DRAIN. You don't need hot grease dripping down your chin!

Turn stove off. Add softened cream cheese to the hot sausage. We need to make sure it's soft enough to be able to pipe through a disposable frosting decorator bag (if you have them available) or just soft enough to be able to pack it into your peppers with ease.

While you let your mixture cool slightly, cut the tops off your washed peppers. If you have a jalapeno corer, use that to cut out the ribs and scrape out the seeds.

If you don't have a coring tool, a small knife will do the trick.

Fill a decorator bag with the sausage/cream cheese mixture and pipe into the peppers, filling all the way to the top.

I went ahead and put my peppers on a jalapeno popper tray, though I used to lay them flat on a baking sheet and they baked fine that way too. You can also place them on some aluminum on the grill. If you plan on baking them, preheat your oven to 350, then bake them for about 20 minutes. If you plan on grilling, just make sure to keep an eye on them and wait for peppers to be crisp, yet tender, usually about 20 minutes as well.

 Besides wrapping in bacon, I have also thrown in a sprinkle of shredded cheddar into the sausage/cream cheese mixture, and sprinkled it on top, pressing slightly. I recommend it!

These peppers were gone pretty fast, and I hope you try them and like them just as much! I welcome your comments or interesting ideas for these! Thank you so much for looking! Now go bake something and spread some yum! 

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