Friday, August 16, 2013

Mudslide Pops

Hello everyone! I know it's been a while since I posted anything, but I have been so busy with this little thing called... Life. Work, baby, cooking, family, CrossFit, and everything in between. I will have more soon, I promise!

We have been having some gorgeous weather in Alabama these past few days, in the lower 80s, and even better, the 60s at night! It's giving me Fall Fever and I just can't WAIT! That being said, let me post the recipe for some Mudslide Pops so you guys can enjoy while it's still summertime! (Though I am hoping this cool weather sticks!)

Note: These popsicles DO contain alcohol, so please keep them away from the children! Also, these will come out a bit on the icy side due to the liqueur.


1/2 cup of cold coffee (I brewed mine in my Keurig)
3/4 cup creamer
1/4 cup of coffee liqueur (I used Starbucks brand)
2 T of yogurt (I used Greek plain, but it came out a bit on the tart side, I suggest using vanilla flavored)
1/8 cup of Kahlua liqueur

Blend all ingredients in a blender until smooth, and pour into your popsicle mold. Freeze until firm. Garnish with a dribble (or more) of Hershey's syrup. Enjoy!

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