Sunday, February 16, 2014

A "Birthday"! (Plus 2 Sweet Little Giveaways!)

Baking Up Yum turned ONE last week! It's been a yummy year so far, though I wish I had more recipes to share! It was a busy year last year, not only did I make a few new things to try (or try some oldies but goodies) but I also had a LOT more decorated cakes to work on! My toddler was and is also in the major developmental stages, so he kept (and keeps) me busy, busy, busy!

In honor of my blog turning one, I am happy to be doing a little giveaway to thank you for your support! One giveaway involves a $25 Amazon Gift Card, another giveaway involves a CAKE! I have to keep the cake giveaway local, even though I wish I could ship one somewhere! I don't think it would arrive in perfect condition. ;) The giveaway for the gift card is easy enough. Simply fill out your entries below and I wish you the best of luck! For your comment entry, all you have to do is let me know what your favorite birthday cake is! See? Easy as pie. Piece of... cake.

For the cake giveaway, details are on Facebook. I am keeping this local to the Decatur and surrounding areas. I am giving away an 8" cake, flavor is winner's choice. Feel free to share the giveaway! a Rafflecopter giveaway

Giveaway ends Sunday, February 23, 2014 

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