Monday, February 17, 2014

Eggs in a Nest

Good morning sunshine! Well, okay. I am not a morning person. But I DO love morning food! I woke up this beautiful bright Sunday morning, starving from not eating much the night before, but I can't eat super fast breakfast food (no cereal! wah!) I had to come up with something healthy, but awesome. I am in the middle of doing the Whole Life Challenge, which challenges us to eat unprocessed and healthy foods.

Well here's a little history about "Eggs in a Nest". I had never heard of them until I met my husband. Using a shot glass, he would cut a hole in the middle of a slice of bread, butter up a pan, place the bread in there, and crack an egg over the hole, making sure the yolk landed in the hole. He would then flip them over to cook the tops a bit, but he always made sure the yolk was still runny so he could sop it up with the surrounding "nest". I have to say, it was pretty darned yummy.

This morning, I pulled out my spiralizer and started "noodling" a sweet potato. I usually cook them in a pan with some coconut oil, throw some eggs in, and scramble them. This time, I thought to myself, "Those noodles look like a little nest" - voila! I was inspired! Sweet potato Eggs in a Nest were born. If you don't have a spiralizer, you can probably create the same thing with some shredded sweet potatoes. These got 5 stars PLUS from the hubby. His new favorite! I hope it becomes yours too!

Here's what you need:

1 medium - large sweet potato, peeled and spiralized
5 - 6 large eggs
About 2 Tablespoons of coconut oil
Salt and pepper to taste


1.) Heat coconut oil in a non-stick pan until melted and slightly shimmering.
2.) Toss in half of your sweet potato noodles and cook until color changes to a more yellow-orange color and they are slightly crispy. 
3.) Separate your noodles in the pan into 2-3 "nests", or do one at a time. Make sure there are some spots  open for the egg to permeate the noodles underneath (this will help with more even cooking). Crack your egg(s) and pour over the middle of your sweet potato nest(s). 
4.) After the bottom appears cooked, flip over and cook your eggs until the whites are done, but try to make sure your yolk still stays a bit runny if you like it that way. Serve immediately! This went very well paired with some avocado slices and Whole Life Challenge compliant sausage links. Enjoy!

Thank you so much for looking, now go cook something and spread some YUM!

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