Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Birthday Cake!

I always get a funny comment when my birthday rolls around. Several times. "Happy Birthday Diana! I hope someone else makes your cake so you don't have to!" WHAT??? You mean to tell me, baking is my passion and you think I want someone else to make my cake?! NO WAY JOSE! It might take a little bit of work for me to do it but by golly, it's a labor of love! For myself! Besides, I have started making more involved cakes and I don't want to put anybody through that just for lil' ol' me.

I used to get the Baskin Robbins mint chocolate chip ice cream cake with chocolate cake just because it's some of what I grew up with and it's my favorite ice cream flavor evah, but then I starting experimenting with new flavors and just distanced myself from buying cakes. Last year I found and made a cake on Sweetapolita's site that had me drooling, and this year, I found a couple of other recipes that I decided to blend together. Chocolate Cake and Nutella Cloud Frosting. The only change I made was that I used Hershey's Special Dark for the cocoa (I didn't have access or enough time to order the fancy cocoa she uses) and my coffee happened to be Dunkin Donuts Blueberry Muffin flavor. (It's all I had folks!) I also added sprinkles in between flavors because she gave me the idea and I loved it! I just have to say, if you ever make yourself a cake, make this one. Please. It's SO worth it! 

Click HERE for the Chocolate Cake Recipe, and HERE for the Nutella Cloud Frosting. 

Now go bake this cake and SPREAD SOME YUM!

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