Sunday, March 16, 2014

Peppermint Patty Milkshake

Happy St. Patrick's Day! I am nowhere close to being Irish, but there's just something fun about the holiday, all the green, fun and frolic. It was one of my favorite things to be cheerleading in the St. Patrick's Day parade as a wee child in Chicago as we would pass over the river, which was dyed GREEN! It was always cold, but so much fun. Fun facts about the way the river is dyed green and how it came to be, click HERE.

I made a milkshake in honor of the holiday, it's fresh, minty, and definitely not for the minor Leprechauns. It's a Peppermint Patty Milkshake. Enjoy.

3/4 cup O'Reilly's Mint Chocolate Liqueur (or a similar liqueur)
12 oz milk
3 cups of vanilla ice cream
1/4 teaspoon peppermint extract
Honey and sprinkles for garnish (optional)

Blend all ingredients together in a blender, adding more ice cream if you desire more creaminess.

Pour sprinkles onto a dish. With a small food-safe paintbrush, dip into honey and "paint" around the rim on the glasses. Dip onto the sprinkles for garnish if desired.

Thank you so much for looking!

Now go blend it and spread some YUM!

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